Found your Perfect Lot? Here’s a checklist of questions to ask before you build:

Your lot is untapped potential. It’s often difficult to imagine just how beautiful it’s going to look when your house is set, the landscaping is complete and you’ve created the outdoor spaces you have imagined.

But there are some key questions to ask before you start building. Here’s a checklist that can help you:

1. What is my lot’s unique personality? Spacing?

Is it shady and relaxing, a cove nestled by a quiet lake?
Is the lot rich with specific foliage? How colours can I draw out in my finishing products?
Is the land flat or does it have some natural elevations that can enhance my home?

2. Is my lot in a distinct neighbourhood?

From my lot, what other buildings do you see?
Are there unique design features in the buildings around me?
Are there certain home designs that would stick out in this neighbourhood?

3. How big is my lot?

Will my house plan look balanced on the lot size?
Is the lot narrow or wide? Long or short?

4. What is the best orientation?

Where is the street or road and how should my house face that road?
How will the driveway be placed and where should the garage be?
What is the best view?
How do I plan my windows and outdoor living spaces to take advantage of the view?
Where is south and how can I take advantage of the sun’s heat?

5. What factors do I need to consider about the yard?

Is the land rocky, and will the landscaping require significant work?
Are there any natural waterways, streams, lakes that will impact my house?
Will I have to bring topsoil in or will I leave the yard natural?

The personality of your custom lot adds to the overall character of your home – make it count!


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